Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Library-Thing #11

My Library(at Librarything)

I enjoyed learning about LibraryThing. I added a couple of widgets and with my reading interests reflected by LibraryThing widgets, I was able to eliminate my "Recently Read" list that Blogger provided. I will say that I think that one could easily get too carried away with widgets, buttons and elements and one's blog could become cluttered. But I guess with the size of the screen and formatted correctly or well, you could add things without getting cluttered. But still how much do people want to scroll down...AS IF...too many people are reading this to begin with. If someone blogs in the forest...
I don't think I will go overboard and tag or catalog my library list, unless it gets too large and I may want to organize it more. I also use the my library feature on Amazon and, though I tend to use them for work related searches that I want to save. Both Amazon and Worldcat have features to print out your library list. If you have not checked out, it has many useful features, including find the books in libraries, buy the book and import your library list to bibliography generators. Sample list from
I have not yet explored thoughly everything that LibraryThing has to offer, but it does appear to be a "Facebook" like environment for readers, with the groups that you can join. Another reader themed community website is Overbooked.

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