Saturday, September 22, 2007

What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?

As I get back to blogging in preparation for our Library 2.0 learning, I had to post a video from my favorite band Brave Combo. Brave Combo started out as local club band while I was a student at the University of North Texas, then known as North Texas State University in the 1970s. Carl Finch, lead singer, was even a neighbor of mine! Didn't know him personally (I did nod knowingly when I saw him at Piggly Wiggly) I'd go see them play at the "Sandwich Break" and other venues. I would jump around and do my best faux Polka. For you see Brave Combo was known in the early days as "that crazy band who plays polka versions of Jimi Hendrix and the Rolling Stones" Good times, Good times. Over the years Brave Combo added 2 Grammys (Best Polka Album...who knew), 28 albums, and international fame (especially Japan) I added a family, twins, boy/girl, Jonathan and Lia (both Brave Combo fans!) and now a grand daughter, Lucy. And still 25+ years later I love to get out there and do the Hokey Pokey, the Chicken Dance, or just Pogo to the great sounds of Brave Combo. They have played NYC twice since I have been here, sorry to say I missed them both times! But when they come back, watch out! all have an open invitation to come with me and dance the night away.

Brave Combo

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